Samsung, a large screen, slim but with a more powerful processor, announced the Galaxy S4. Samsung's flagship product, 8-core Exynos processor with 5 Octa. Thickness 9.7 mm, and its weight is 130 grams S4 yükzek approximately 4.99-inch HD screen resolution is intimidate rivals. S4 Galaxy is expected to be under the price of the two thousand TL will be available at the end of April. Samsung Marketing Manager craving Koçdar, only 9 countries, including Turkey, to do the local launch, he said. Koçdar, in which the market price of the Galaxy S3 emphasized that the current level. Local content will be the new Galaxy S4. Product service life of more than one day's battery is very striking. Galaxy S4 sensors used makes it possible to visually page turning and stopping.
Cons engineers have produced S4 Galaxy Bucketz game. Hippo Picnic co-operating with the Turkish company, Samsung Apps will be downloaded free of charge for 6 months Bucketz your users. Avea and Vodafone on the other hand, the Galaxy announced for Q4 garner prior request.