
Iraq was costly to the United States

U.S. invasion of Iraq 10 years ago, according to official figures, about 800 billion dollars in the bill, but the indirect costs, this figure is about $ 4 trillion.
The post-war reconstruction of Iraq, the U.S. special inspector Stuart Bowen issued a report examining the expenses incurred for the purpose of the occupation, cost 797 billion dollars. However, experts think that the war should be added to the invoice opportunities and indirect costs.

According to Market Watch, the site that provides financial data, occupation, sonrakilerle December 2011, the total direct and indirect costs to the United States is about $ 4 trillion.

Other indirect costs, interest on loans taken to finance the war, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain expenses of military bases in Iraq fees paid to private security firms to protect the security of the American possessions and the United States are estimated to be more than 32 in number according to the Ministry of Defence consists of resources allocated for the treatment of wounded soldiers.

In the March 16 issue of the journal The Lancet called the American health care the "Health Problems Arising of the Iraq War" report, referring to American troops in the occupation has left a permanent health problems, "the money spent for the invasion of Iraq can be used to improve sanitary conditions in the local and global programs," says .

U.S. experts in the opportunity cost of the occupation of Iraq in 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama for the money spent 819 billion dollars to stimulate the economy predicted puts the emphasis on the transmission of cyclical stimulus package. In addition, in 2003 the price of a barrel of oil is 30 dollars, 140 dollars, the emergence of the financial crisis in 2008, the outbreak of the war is seen as a ripple effect. Accordingly, the occupation of the American economy to produce an effective solution to the current crisis is blocking.

At the beginning of the occupation, other indirect costs, restructuring expenses for coming. Bowen According to the report, the restructuring activities since 2003, the U.S. spent $ 60 billion in total. The report, which still exists in Iraq, corruption, violence, due to factors such as poverty, asserts that 60 billion is being wasted 8 milyarının. According to the National Priorities Project, a research organization Americans 60 billion was spent for the training of approximately one third of the troops in Iraq.