U.S. Sarai Sierra, according to the minutes of the examination at the scene at the beginning of the dead, face, arms, abdomen and legs, bruises and wounds were found to be very large due to impact. Iran 1, 2 female 21 suspects were decided to take blood and tissue samples for DNA testing
Under the supervision of the public prosecutor dead at the scene by a doctor Sierra AMERICAN inspection report in the terrible truth was exposed. Bruise and wound the body of knowledge that a large number of the record, raised the possibility of the young woman was killed by being beaten.
A large wound on her chin: Per hit a hard object and the Sarai'nin skull fractured arms, beneath the arm and scars were found in the abdominal region caused by assault. A large bruise on his forehead, nose swelling and bruising on both cheeks of the young woman's jaw was caused by the shock that connects the shell was a major setback. The left armpit, left arm and left side of his body and bruises on the left in the abdominal region due to impact is wide-spread in the right buttock Sarai'nin scars were still due to impact. Found a large bruises on his legs and hips due to impact.
Beams are covered: the body was covered with planks hiding requested examination and autopsy of dead recorded in the minutes of the young woman's "Drive License" is written driver's license containing your recorded buried on the spot.
The killer nails: Right index finger wedding ring, a bracelet in the form of rope left arm and left ear are determined to be a küpesinin Sarai'nin hint of the suspects in the "quotes" came out of them. The record of a young woman's hand and nail tissue samples from the bottoms of the killer said in a statement. For this reason, the young woman's hands Crime Scene Investigation teams of the evidence to protect the "enclosure" was contained.
DNA test to be done: the public prosecutor Huseyin Kaplan, the incident "intentionally kill people on charges of" initiating the investigation, the suspects taken into custody were found in blood and tissue samples to be demanded. However, demand in Istanbul 4 Magistrates' Court refused. A superior court upon the objection of the prosecutor has decided to sample 21 suspects. 1 of 21 Iranian and two women also learned that the suspect.
RAPE finalized
On the other hand, the expression complainant was called by the prosecution at noon Sierra's relatives. Steven Sarai'nin from the Palace of Justice in Sierra Istanbul with his wife, his brother testified. Reached the front of the Forensic Medicine Institute report, the prosecutor's office learned of the findings of rape clarified specified.
The walls have moved into the final after being killed Sarai'nin underlines the forensic experts, "according to the first findings, Sarai, at least 36 hours before his body was killed without" they said. Today is going to the United States Sarai Sierra's funeral yesterday evening by his wife on the Beyoğlu Three Horan Armenian Church was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute. Sierra's funeral is expected to be taken to the United States today.
Today is going to the United States
Sierra Sarai's funeral, yesterday evening by his wife on the Beyoğlu Three Horan Armenian Church was taken to the Forensic Medicine Institute. Sierra's funeral is expected to be taken to the United States today.
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