
Here are the most used in the world that passwords:

The world's most widely used password, password again, which means in English "password" was. Famous for second place on the list with ease "123456", third place in the "12345678" received.

SplashData'nın published by hackers to publish this list of experts, many times before, cheats easy or predictable, but nevertheless warned internet users to refrain from the most easiest to use passwords that are specified.

Here are the most used in the world that passwords:
1. password
2, 123,456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty
6. monkey
7. letmein
8. dragon
9. 111 111
10. baseball
11. iloveyou
12. trustno1
13. 1234567
14. sunshine
15. master
16. 123 123
17. welcome
18. shadow
19. ashley
20. football
21. jesus
22. michael
23. ninja
24. mustang
25. password1

Splashdata'nın suggestions for password security:
- Always use the password to 8 characters or more characters. Your pin numbers, letters, and other characters that you can use to get.
- Do not use the same password on each site
- Never use entertainment sites, e-mail your password.

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