
Play Station 4

Sony, Turkey and 01:00 hours, starting at the press conference, announced that the new console, the PlayStation 4 and its many details. "There is a request to open a new console today will give you a little tip for the future of games," said Sony, the new PS4'ün talked about the new functions and many new game showed that affect graphics. The only thing that can not see the console itself was in an interesting way.
Roughly talking about the console hardware features Sony, PlayStation 4 CELL processor x86 processor passes instead of the CPU and GPU, 8 GB of GDDR5 RAM usage is shared by said (according to rumors, the device would have 4GB of RAM, but Sony could have gone to a change in recent times). The Company does not explain fully the capacity of the console's storage space for games, "giant" say, we'll have an area size.

Closely monitoring the new event could see not see the PlayStation 4. Detected by 3D camera on a "light bar" in the control, so you can detect movement. Control the power to stop all the games on the button, a headphone and microphone jacks. In addition, the console, smart pockets, can be controlled with tablets and PlayStation Vita. PS Vita games that support can use as a second screen (Remote Play), or even just a Vita can play some of the games. In this case, console, PS Vita takes on the task of the server.

Features gamers have come to expect, social functions,
PlayStation 4 games now you can download in the background while playing the game. Objectives waiting time "zero", saying that download Sony, background jobs from a "special" on-chip occurred, game highlights no effect. Referring to the subject of personalization long Sony has recently occurred with a system that you, bringing you play games without having to do anything, and that estimate is working on a technology that offers your drink in front of you says to download.
PlayStation 4 is social features
New PlayStation gaming experience offered by new social functions "only" has to be as completely. For example, when you installed the PlayStation 4, in a game, the game's control, directing you to a distant friend, and he can watch devredebiliyor. Participating in the game as a spectator or a friend, send messages to your screen.

Publishing stream games, games ...
Publish live video streams, as well as games, game save videos to be shared on Facebook. In this way, the game experience, becoming a social activity.
We observed a significant increase in the level of detail images and demos for the PlayStation 4 game makers are ample opportunities and potential. So much so that the characters may encounter consisting of 30 000 polygons.
One of the surprising developments of the event over the years developed Blizzard's Diablo III only a PC exclusive games PlayStation 4 (and the PS3) was brought to announce. In addition, the new Final Fantasy game makers on stage one by one, Watch Dogs, Driveclub, Deep, Killzone: ShadowFall, Destiny (Bungie) introduced as the most important productions, demos showed. PlayStation 4 out promotions and promises, according to the filmmakers, supported by many leading game companies with the best games.