
Firat Shield 'and all kinds of Jarabulus Menbiç with operations aimed at clearing the terrorist elements.

Depending on the Syrian city of Aleppo district Jarabulus the Armed Forces and with the support of coalition forces entered the district from which the terrorist organization Isidor's hand and be conducted under the leadership of the SAR 'Euphrates Shield' has reached HABERTURK details on the operation. Security sources; military details of the operation, certain information did not give regarding how long and deep, "PYD / ypg'n the Syrian internal to the movement style could put the new unity" and that is likely be carried out a new operation style.

Menbiç completely PYD / YPG not released by elements that would continue the progress of armored resources, "Developing and planning is done according to changing conditions. Prepared for any kind of intervention, "using the expression. The ultimate aim of the border free from all kinds of terrorists, to create a safe zone ...


'Euphrates Shield "campaign embodies the first body in many ways. Ministers in the political directives of President Tayyip Erdogan's leadership in the operation was given by the Board; powers not delegated to the General Staff. The Council of Ministers for the first time non-combat assignments, prepare written instructions of the General Staff or military gave directly to unit commanders. Coup prepared to intervene in the crisis in Syria before the 70 kilometers distance and depth includes extending plan was shelved. Instead of plan foresees depth of 10-15 kilometers. US and legitimacy produced by initiating reconciliation with Russia and weather protection support. Recent plans were activated and local factors that led them to the front, were seen supporting an operation style. Commando brigade and black-aviation units were commissioned. Armored / mechanized with elements of the operation, special forces played an active role in the command of Lieutenant General Intelligence Aksakallı.


Armed Forces currently not clear how it will be in the region but planning units and soldiers 'in a format that was open goal' to be. Shield operation in the Euphrates armored / mechanized approach to Karkamış'a of unity and input from the media watched live on Syrian territory. However deterrence as well as operation of the image was also conducted. Many of ışid'li fled. UAVs in the region is constantly patrol flight. Gaziantep and Nizip hospitals and field hospital set up by the AFAD'ın kept ready.


On the other hand, shared the first day of operation, FSA and other opposition with photos showing alongside the Turkish military, contains some risks. It stressed that Turkey is being done by the future used against Assad or other intelligence units of the photos. imaging and sharing in military operations so far TAF was doing.

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