
The PKK, the KDP and PUK Kandil from Syria summit

Diyarbakir - broadcasting in Northern Iraq 'Rudaw' According to the news from the website, that Massoud Barzani, leader of the Iraqi Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Polit Bureau member Kemkal Kerkuki Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Iraqi Kurdistan is the leader of the Patriotic Union (PUK) polit bureau member Sadi Ahmed Pire, two days before the Co-Presidents of the Qandil mountain Taking KCK Executive Council met with Cemil Sir.

Serhat Ronahi KCK Executive Council members and providing information about the interview in the presence of intelligent Şengali'nin Kemal Kerkuki, during a meeting in Arbil, the Kurdish National Congress which will be held on August 24 and said they discussed the developments in Syria, the Kurdish Rojavadaki. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the solution process initiated by Adullah Ocalan said the meeting had discussed the KDP Political Bureau member Kemal Kerkuki, said:

"One of the important items of the interview, and non-Kurdish guerrilla conflicts Rojadaki was murder by some groups. Cemil Bayık'ın Simelka border crossing located between the Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan and Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government President Massoud Barzani's statements on the topic talked about. said to be a misunderstanding about this. Rojavaya a delegation on developments in Syria, in a short time will eve