
A huge contribution to the PKK!

2 thousand people attended the last three months, the PKK terrorist organization were broken record. PKK and 850 college student participants. The young people in the mountains the PKK "I joined this event the police are looking for you're going to jail if you get caught." Or "no reading not try and get out of the mountain, is already going to be returning officer." He says.


Refers to the police deceived by the PKK, said the children lost their children, but can not get the result. Education of the young people being deceived directly into northern Iraq gönderilirek.


Earlier walks, high school students participating in activities 'the police are looking for you everywhere,' he terrorized. Then we can help you guys saying that the PKK is being delivered. Sending children to education here. Then send a message to the families of the children of the PKK, the PKK militants in children, he said.