

Taksim is currently experiencing tense moments. Prime Minister Erdogan in Ankara during a rally tomorrow "has mitingimiz Istanbul, free up some of the security forces to vacate knows," the statement, then the police, the crowd in the square 'disperse' warned.

WARNING instructions issued by the police

The police, the crowd gathered in Taksim Square and Travel Park, activists 20:15 hours starting in Announcements, found warning. Police, "This is our last warnings. Attractions Park, leave" "are given sufficient time to disperse. Provocateurs among you believe", "can not occupy public space. Taksim Square, move away from the citizens," he made ​​announcements.


However, the crowd did not disband. The police began to intervene evening ezanının ranks immediately after the 20:50 hours. First, the water squeezed out TOMA'lar meydandakileri away. Then the gas is also entered using the Travel Park.


The police, water cannons and tear gas to intervene with the Travel Park. Meanwhile, quite often, a "true square Tarlabaşı unload" announcements made. Activists, some of the people the police were throwing stones. Amsbulans immediately after the entry into the police came to the Travel Park. Proved to be the trip of a truck next to a park. Takes the intervention of the police.