
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini

Samsung Galaxy S4 continues to sell well as the departure date. Interest in the product offered for sale in our country becomes quite large. Plans to move the sale as a sale of the Galaxy 3. S3's sales of mini mini çıkaracağa this time is similar to the Samsung.

Samasung Galaxy S4 mini release date is not yet clear. However, the very next time the users are expected to present a mini model. If the feature is expected to be the same as the regular model.

While the price of the Samsung Galaxy S4 mini normally at regular price will be lower. However, that seems to have been a very big difference. Any decrease in the property because it is not the mini size. Only the display is shrinking. In this model, perform the same operation in the vicinity of 25% is expected to be a price difference. However, this information is entirely estimated.

Samsung Galaxy S4 promotional video for the normal fan is as follows.
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