
7x24 Internet are at the top...

According to a survey conducted in 26 provinces fter three thousand young people, young people spend a day wandering about 5.5 hours on the internet. Some of them use the Internet getting out of bed. Three thousand young people aged between the ages of 26 provinces in Turkey, 13-29 According to research conducted face to face, young people 8.3 percent wake up in the morning, "even going to the toilet" use the Internet. US-based, which is the world's largest processors of Intel's built üretecisi "Young Turkey Survey" of the results of the organization was announced at a press conference organized by the Turkey General Manager Burak Aydin. Majority of young people in research "computer, internet and mobile phones" of the beginning of the growing dangerously disconnected, and this dependence was revealed. According to the survey, 47 percent of young people for the internet "essential" nature. 56.9 percent of the respondents' reported study indicated that regular internet access in rural areas and 2 of every 5 young people use the Internet on a regular basis. 92.4 percent of the youth thirds of the computer in their own homes, 12.5 percent at work, 10.4 per cent per cent stated that they used the internet cafe. Here is a remarkable research topics:
* 71.4 percent of the youth-third have a computer at home.
* Young people participating in the study 8.3 percent of the morning, when the "even going to the toilet," 4.7 percent percent use the Internet while getting out of bed. 28.4 per cent per cent said into the internet without leaving the house.
* 44.5 percent of respondents per cent of desktops, 40.1 per cent per cent laptop, 25.7 percent percent have a smart phone.
* Regular internet access rate of 80 percent, the most in Izmir, Van, whereas it is 16 per cent, respectively.
* Older children at the computer, the internet minutes to 228 days, average spending 330 minutes.
* According to the survey, 57 percent of young people doing research on the internet before taking a product and 61 as well as an opportunity to trade on the internet finding a job and

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